ТурАгенція твого міста! UkraineТурАгенція твого міста! Ukraine
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61072 м. Харків, вул. Отакара Яроша, б. 27

+38 (095) 531-40-07

працюємо ЩОДЕННО

+38 (096) 645-86-31



Оплата на рахунок ФОП


«ПРИВАТБАНК» Р/Р UA773515330000026007052243569
МФО 351533 КОД 3304107468
Призначення платежу: за туристичні послуги


Оплата на картку «ПРИВАТБАНК»

№ картки

5363 5420 1467 6606

Форма зворотного зв’язку з керівником у Харкові

    If you want to get a high level of service from managers of travel agency №1 «Poehali s nami!» So, we are waiting for you!

    In our company you will be able to find an English-speaking manager who will organize to you a tour from your dreams!

    We are always closer to you!!!

    It does not matter from what city or country you come,you are worthy of the best rest and advice of a professional!

    We will be glad to all foreign guests in our city .

    Kharkiv, Otakara Yarosha 27 st. (WITHOUT WEEKEND — from 9.00 to 20.00)

    You will be met by the professionals of your business, VIP managers of the tourist network «Poehali s nami!» and head of offices Tatyana Tkachenko work without days off  24 hours 7 days a week. 

    When you come to our office, they will meet you in fine form and with a smile on their face;). But, most importantly, experts are constantly visiting promotional tours. Every year, watching a lot of countries, in order to know the true information about this or that resort. We will tell you in words and show on the screens how everything looks really. Only we will tell you which hotels correspond to the price — quality. Consultation at any time of the day in which country you would not be.

    If late in the evening or early in the morning, you decided — TIME FOR HOLIDAY, boldly recruit our managers 24/7!

    +38 (095) 531-40-07

    +38 (096) 645-86-31

    We are always in touch! We will answer all your questions and make a selection of the tour at any time. There is no such thing that we did not answer your message or call. That’s why our tourists never worry about which country they would not be in, they know that we will answer and help in any situation.

    Assistance in obtaining a visa to any country. Consultation, collection of documents, the answer to all questions and no excitement on your part, because you will be sure that the visa will be issued at the right time for the required dates.

    We will find tickets for you at affordable prices.

    If you are in another city or in another country, then this is absolutely not a problem for buying a tour. An electronic contract was developed in the tourist network. Only the Internet and the computer! You will receive the contract electronically in 5 minutes. Come:

    Kharkiv, Otakara Yarosha 27 st. (WITHOUT WEEKEND — from 09.00 to 20.30)

    We are waiting for you!

    Поїхали з нами!
    вул. Отакара Яроша, 27 Харків Харківська область Телефон: +38(095) 531-40-07
    Поехали с нами